Whether you are a…
“do-it-yourselfer” who needs some guidance from an expert
or you just want someone to get it done for you…
We can help!
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Are you here to learn more about how to manage your database? Are you looking for unbiased reviews about the multitudes or database options on the market?
Check out our free and premium resources:
Database configuration and management services
Whatever your CRM situation, we dig in to your database, untangle your messes, and find the best solutions to your database challenges.
CRM selection
Setting up a new donor database (migration and conversion)
Configuring and optimizing your existing CRM
Virtual database and gift management (ongoing or interim)
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Our 60-minute virtual consultations might be just what you need to set you in the right direction.
Annual fundraising strategies
Gift management questions
Donor communications and tools
CRM selection advice